Install the software upgrade in the documented order: Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4. This could eventually break your software installation and end up causing problems with future software version updates or upgrades. Just restart Omnisphere to finish the registration process. Generate Response code and copy it in the Omnisphere proper box. Omnisphere 2 Challenge Code Keygen Open an instance of Omnisphere and copy the challenge code and paste it into the keygen. Basically, when I go to authorize Omnisphere offline, the challenge code field is empty.
I spent all weekend updating to Iatkos 10.5.4 and the problem remains so I reverted as the 10.5.4 installation didn’t appear as stable. I’m having a problem authorizing Omnisphere in Logic 8 on my Iatkos 10.5.1 hackintosh. › Omnisphere Patch Data Needs To Be Upgraded To Version 2 ▼ ▼ ▼